Fee Adjustments from 1st January 2014

Every week, hundreds of students come through the doors of Artary to participate in the best art experience. Children love our exquisitely designed art programmes, and adults love our warm and personal relationships. Our children art programmes are designed to deliver a holistic, disciplined, and engaging art learning experience.

From 1st January 2014, fees for select programmes will be revised. The fee adjustment will affect all students in the Art Preparatory and Art Experience programmes.

Fee Adjustments

New Art Gym Curriculum

Students will benefit from Art Gyms, Artary’s exclusive in-house skill practice curriculum. Art Gyms are specially designed to allow students to acquire and master the required art skills and techniques in a regular, consistent, and structured manner. Students receive directed art training during their art sessions through Art Gyms that are suited to their capabilities.

Students have already began to receive Art Gyms from as early as September 2013, and will continue to benefit from the practice curriculum throughout their programme. We will continue to research, develop and provide the highest quality of learning for our students.

Learn more about Artary’s Art Gyms →

High Quality Administration and Support

Artary’s best art experience goes beyond providing the best holistic art curriculum for students. We want to provide the most convenient, efficient and hassle free experience in payments, reschedules, and other administration matters.

In August 2013, Self-Service Stations were installed in all Artary studios to provide even greater convenience. In September 2013, the new online Self-Service Portal, http://me.artary.sg, was launched to allow students 24/7 access to Artary’s suite of services. These new initiatives have improved our response time to enquiries, and brought more convenience to our students. We will continue to commit and provide the highest quality administrative satisfaction to our students.

Learn more about Artary’s Self-Service Station →

Select Programmes

Students in the following programmes will be affected by the fee adjustments. Programmes which are not stated below will not be affected by the fee adjustments.

ProgrammeCurrent FeesFrom 1st January 2014
Art Preparatory$120/4 sessions$130/4 sessions
Art Experience$120/4 sessions$130/4 sessions

The new fees will automatically come into effect for art sessions from 1st January 2014.


Artary’s committed to provide the best art experience to students, and parents. Please approach our Studio Supervisors if you have any queries regarding the new fees, programmes, or others.

Management of Artary
ARTARY Programmes
Fine Art
Award-Winning. The Best in Class Fine Art Programme.
Creative Brain Labs
Creativity Training as an Essential part of Whole Brain Development.
Discover & Explore Art through Fun and Play.
Family-friendly & Social Art Painting & Jamming.
Menu Programmes
From 11 Oct 2021: All classes will resume in campus.